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Natascha Bryden
Eva Green by Kai Z Feng (That Sweet Seduction - InStyle June 2011)


Lady Natascha Bryden, Nat

Allies(s) Of Her Past (No Longer In Use):

Natascha Bellaire (stage name from her theater carrier.), Natalie Cornavia (from another stage carrier in another century.), Natascha Gevvin (as a arts instructior of Dance and singing with select instruments.) Addle Venceine & Treena Conry (as play writes as her own daughter and grandaughter)


5' 6" (1.68 m) 5'10-11 in heels.

Hair & Eyes:


Unique Scent:

Jasmine Vanilla.


491; born 1521 A.D. Looks 28-30.


Half English, two sixth German, one sixth French.


Vampire, Clan Volpe and protected by Terram (fathers clan).


Model; currently.


The Caerleon Brotherhood; Lifeguard.

General Description: []


Natascha is over all a sweet heart; she loves to be the center of attention; but yet she is very subtle about it and is not an attention whore. She loves life and creation;so she is an avid admire of art, antiquities, music, theater and moves in circle where it is ease to talk of such things with knowledgeable people. Her life choice’s of theater and now a model puts her in the center of attention much of the time.Out side of being a high fashion model, she often models for pieces of art work by photographers, paintings or sculptures.


A large portion of her earnings goes towards a none profit organization that she set up to help keep the Arts alive in England for the younger generations and introducing them to the classic’s and seeking to inspire them to make their own. She is an avid play reader, writer and lover of classical literature and opera’s. She is rather soft spoken, her voice being lower and smooth; but as an actress her voice can carry and demand the attention of the theater to her commanding performance. People have often remarked in the difference of her soft spoken nature off stage as compared to on stage.

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Distinguishing Features:[]

Distinguishing Features: Her regal appearance and genteel cold, yet welcoming blue eyes. Her statuesque


ladyship manors that holds equal to that of her mother’s.

Weapons of Choice:[]

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Twin Walther PPK.


Twin Scimitar, their blade and hilt tinted a lovely blue. She can conjure them to be either steel plated silver or steel plated led.


Special Ability:[]

Hologram Conjuring; this in a fashion, a two part ability and many vampires argue that Natascha is one of the lesser percent that has a second ability while others argue it is just a further stage of her ability and is not a second ability. Firstly, she can create holograms of things; these things are not physical, but well detailed illusions.

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This she can do on a large scale (A room ruffle 50Fx50F ish; she could not do a whole house.); as long as something does not have to be a physical form, it is ease enough to project and hold for people to see and think they are looking at something real.

Conjuring can often be used to help the hologram seem real; Conjuring a chair for them to sit it, making the table they lean on conjured so they can touch it; conjuring specific things into solid form to pass off the hologram of everything as real and solid. She often conjures her weapons, her favorite of which is a pair of matching pistil’s she fires up side down (pinky is trigger finger). This is an effective weapon because she can easily choose to conjure silver bullets or a led bullet that can wound vampires.

This is also preferred to real guns for the fact that although the wound remains; the bullet only remains as long as she chooses to conjure it.It is much easer to cause large scale holograms with a few conjured things here and there to cause the reality effect; her holograms at times can be quite large scale. However, conjuring


larger items is much, much harder. Its one thing to conjure a shot gun, another entirely to conjure a car; the largest known conjured fully functional item she has done would be a motorcycle (her preferred means of travel because she can conjure it to her specs for speed).

She can conjure anything and everything that comes to her mind. You can conjure a flame thrower; but its one thing to conjure what would look like a flame throw and to conjure something functional. She must know everything about it what she is conjuring to have it be fully functional and not look just like something and not function.

Take her pistols for example; she has to know every last bit of how the gun is assembled for it to be proper for firing; same for her bike, she must know the spec’s and detail of the engine and how to tinker it for a higher speed when she conjures it. For a vampire this is not entirely an impossible task, since their memory is impeccable; Natascha has several layouts and blue prints of her favorite things to conjure memories. But she can only make detailed replica’s in conjuring without knowing how something works.

Preffered Time Period & Radeation Detector[]

She has no preferred time period.

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Matching her sister Annaleisa with their birth stone of March; hers is worn on her right ear opposite of her sisters. They slowly grow warmer with the radiation.

Current Location:[]

London England for five months.


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Without storage space on the back; making it sleeker.


BMW K1600, six cylinder can reach 62 MPH in three seconds (100 KHP) The bikes natural top speed is 155 MPH (249 KPH); she has tinkered her conjured version to 185 MPH (297 KPH)


When she needs some storage space.

Sleel, speedy and beautiful; what more could any woman want between her legs?

Annaleisa Bryden.
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Lady Annaleisa Bryden, Less.

Allies(s) Of Her Past (No Longer In Use):

Anna Dempcy (as a councilor), Hanna Rembren (as a vet), Leisa Bellaire (assistant to her twin in the theater), Aleisa Cornavia (assistant to her twin in theater in another century).


5' 6" (1.68 m) 5'10-11 in heels.

Hair & Eyes:


Unique Scent:

Due on rose petals.


491; born 1521 A.D. Looks 28-30.


Half English, two sixth German, one sixth French.


Vampire, Clan Volpe and protected by Terram (fathers clan).


Mostly now council’s faction member’s in any group who needs it; also does phone consultations.


The Caerleon Brotherhood; Lifeguard.

General Description:[]

Compared to her twin, she is a very somber person. She does enjoy some pleasantries of small talk here and there and talk of arts and the world at large; however, her idea of a good time is not often shared with those around her. She knows everyone she meets better then they know them selves; her idea of a good time is sitting around talking about their life and emotions, most people however are not up for an in-depth truth talk about them selves. She much prefers to sit amongst people and listen as they talk amongst them selves and watch their emotions as they


speak little white lies, contradict their emotions by past emotions and sneak peeks of their emotions into their past of who they really are.

She is over all a good natured woman who as sought to use her ability more in the line of healing then injuring; though it has proven handy when she must come into a fight. All in all she loves people watching; and takes great pleasure in her family and friends and the over all world at large. Once one opens up with a topic of debate with her; watch out for your self. Her tongue is as Sharpe and curved as is her readings of you and she only speaks on matters she is certain of.

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Distinguishing Features: []

Her Regal appearance, matching that of her twins; her red eyes that always seemed to pierce you, as if they are looking into you and understanding you; even in ways you do not understand your self. The curiousness of this is that; even though her eyes are an unnerving Crimson, they seem to instill a sense of ease and peace into everyone who looks into them. Her eyes are often marveled as beautiful by all who see them.

Weapons of Choice:[]


9 in. blade combat knife. Carries one to four; two led and two silver plated. Eight when with four each when she knows she is going into combat.

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Walther PPQ Info is in the pic.


Special Abilities:[]

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Empathy, there are many different levels of empathy and it is often underestimated as a weapon by most people who hear its name or wield it on the lowest levels. There is no greater power in this world then an emotion; in fact, it is often emotion’s that full’s a person’s energy and also as such; their powers. Making people realize their own bottled up emotions and making them feel what they feel or what others around them are feeling is an effective way of using Empathy as a weapon; further more, multiplying their emotion or emotions of others amplify the level of which they feel it to your desired level, is a very good way to emotionally disarming people.

A common effect of her emotional wracking of people is causing people to have the feeling of varied kinds of PTSD or reawakening someone’s PTSD form the past. If she is able to dig deep enough into a person and their emotions, and if the right emotions are there to be found or used (this emotion varies on the person) she can trigger their

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ability herself (the equivalent of putting your finger over someone else’s and pulling a trigger) and either fire it at a chosen person if she can get in touch with them.

Empathy also allows her the power over calming people, tapping into their hopes and good; if she can reach into their fears, it is not always a matter of scaring them. Fear’s do not have to be used to scare people into terror, she is quite adapt at using peoples fears to disarm them into passive and cooperative behavior; laying down their weapons and giving up a hopeless fight. Often she can reminded people of the core’s of who they are and that the means by which they have began to twist them selves to archive what they want, is not who they are and they can be turned back more to the roots of them selves. She can allow terrified and scare people to feel clam and at ease; safe and secure. She can ease the passing fear in someone’s death or erase some of their pain to put them more at ease.

The highest level of empathy is the wielder being able to view the past memories that emotions are tied too. So if she found immense pain in someone; she can dissect the different pains form the pile of them,


trace them back to their roots and see where the pain came from. This is a task that starts off over whelming hard, but once you gain the grasp of it and practices it for a few centuries; it becomes a second nature and it is a nature that she uses more for her own interest then anything else (see General description)

In all of this listed above she is a skilled wielder; this gives her an insight into the world that most people do not have. Mainly the common belief’s held about animals, how much they can feel, think and comprehend things. Being someone who can feel them in such a detailed way and threw


their emotions understands just how much they really do comprehend, she knows that humans are no ‘higher’ beings then animals and that a vampire is no higher being then a human (this however does not knock out the food chain of the world. To her killing an animal is the same as killing a human and killing a human the same as killing a vampire; all are equal in her eyes.)

There are draw backs to her power. Since she is empathic, she has to maintain a near perfect level of her own emotions. When she was younger she had many a brake down from feeling someone else and having it cause a reaction within her own emotions and mental state. Sometimes she cannot help but cry or scream for the person. At times these are still draw backs to her ability. If she is in a particularly emotional crowd and feeling them all at once or if someone’s own emotions are that powerful and come out that fast; it can knock her off of her guard. She learned quickly that this weapon is a double edged sword and that that second blade is normally aimed at her self. In hand to hand combat it can be hard to zero in on someone else’s emotions, so in fights for her to use the deeper levels of her powers; she must take the back line and deal with being guarded by others.

Preferred Time Period & Radiation Detector Design:[]

1798 – 1815; Start of the French Revolution straight threw till the end of the Napoleon Ear.
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Matching her sister Natascha with their birth stone of March; hers is worn on her left her. They slowly grow warmer with the radiation.

Current Location:[]


Manchester - London England

Katja Hamilton IV.

Full Name:

Lady Katja Hamilton IV.




5' 2" (1.57 m) 5'5 in heels.

Hair & Eyes:


Unique Scent:



470; Born 1542 looks 32


Half English, two sixth German, one sixth French.


Vampire, Clan Volpe and protected by Terram (fathers clan).


Private Broker; passes her self off as her own great, great, great granddaughter in a family trade. Since most of her business is done over the phone as a mediator and now over the wonders of the modern day web; many do not question this and she has a ‘remarkable resemblance to her mother (herself).


Pandora (France).

General Description:[]

Katja was the ‘wild one’ of her siblings. It stared with back talking her parents being disrespectful to both. Sneaking out, starting to hang out with the sketchy group. At twenty four wrote her siblings off as ‘not living life to the fullest’. She left the family home in her twenties with the worst crowd her parents could imagine.  Making a life of traveling the world with them living like a well dressed tramp that went where she wanted, did what and who she wanted. Breaking the human law’s without consequence and no real care for the resulting end of her actions (though she was never a cold blooded killer like many she was around; that was her line).

Gaining money by gambling and everything else she wanted by steeling.  Starting fights where humans got hurt,


feeding when and where she liked (gain, she never killed humans out side of feeding); she witnessed many humans death for nothing at the hand of her companions and then generally took anything of theirs she liked. Her rock bottom came when a few Duke’s sent warnings out to her and her companions; that if they did not settle down, it would be death. Being the wild bunch that they were, the warnings went unheeded. The Dukes men came for them; those that did not put up any form of a fight where given a second change.

Katja and a few others who stood still watched their friends who fought fall. To say the least it was a sobering experience for Katja. Having no where else to go; she swallowed her pride and returned to the home of her mother a hundred thirteen years after leaving it. Her mother had been promoted to Marchioness


and was fully aware of her daughter’s life and actions while away. To Katja’s shock she also found that her so in love parents had separated sixty nine years ago. Katja felt trapped and hepless; like she had come home to learn from her mother all over again. Feeling as if she knew everything; Katja did nothing but clash with her mother.

On a good day Katja and her mother would have disagreements, bad day’s arguments and the worst of it was out right fights. After three years, Katja got sick of her mothers demands that she considered un reasonable (wanting her to be a responsible adult); Katja left her mothers house and went off to find her


father and moved in with him. She found this much more agreeable and tolerable for the first four years. Then her father becoming concerned for her begin bringing up the same issue’s her mother had and two years into that she left his house in a tantrum offowl language and rude gestures. At the age of one hundred thirty four she returning to her life of theft and gambling.

After another eleven years the wrong crowd she was with went more towards the way the first one did. When messages came from a Duke to disperses or be dealt with; the memories of the slaughter returned to here and she returned to her mothers again. Entering her mothers home again at the age of one hundred forty five; her mother did not look at her or speak to her. Katja new that out side of being dead, her life could not sink any lower then it was; she had no pride left. After being in the house for two years being shunned by her mother; Katja went to her mother and asked for help.

Shantay never able to refuse her own child once more began teaching Katja whose personality began to grow and change. Her mind expanded and she learned how to apply her knowledge in more acceptable ways.Her rebellious nature turned more to independence and strong will and her inner beauty began to


shine threw as she repaired her relationships with her siblings. Her sense of humor leaned more towards the dark side; she learned to speak before fighting, though she never lost her fight. She is still the most ‘wild’ of the bunch (equal now to her brother some say), but she has grown into a smart; respectable, level headed and dangerous as she is gorgeous woman.

Distinguishing Features:[]


Her elegant face and assertive nature; most men are intimidated by her the second they meet her. She also has two wolf’s blood tattoo one on the base of her neck and the other on her back right shoulder blade.

Weapons of Choice:[]


In her large purse she carries Desert Eagle Mark VII. Capacity 9 Caliber: .357 Magnum, Semiautomatic (Single Action) and eight extra clips line the inside walls of the hand bag. Extra in her weaponry at home.


Whenever she goes on a mission she carries two Beretta 92FS handguns modified to fire on full auto with barrel weights attached, standing in for compensators. Capacity: 20 caliber 9mm. Extra’s in her weaponry at home.

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Two silver plated and two led plated; blade is 4 1/2 in.

In her pent house she has hidden wall cabinets with a minnie armory to make even her mother proud; the weapons range from small knifes and pistols to full auto machine guns and sniper rifles and some varied exsplsives……

Special Abilities:[]

Katja’s ability is one of premonitions. Her sight does not discriminate between the past, present or future. She has seen things for thousands of hears ago and has seen many things she has yet to see happen around her and her family. This ability never comes at the best of times. Its occurring is


completely random; it is most often triggered by touching a person or thing, it can also be triggered by smell or simply hit her.

Sometimes she see’s things as if she is watching a scene play out, sometimes she see’s things from other peoples perspective;. I.E. an attacker or a victim’s perspective. Sometimes she has absolutely no idea what to do with her vision; I.E. having the perspective of a person drinking tea from a tea comp and then seeing just the cup fall and hit the floor. Sometimes if her visions are about something far off in the future, she can have more then one and then has to figure out what order of events they go in and try to figure out where it is and why she is seeing it. She often describes her abilities as getting pieces of a puzzle and then being left to put them together to figure out what is going on.

Her more emotionally powerful visions will affect her emotions when she see’s them; I.E. if she watched a girl being beaten


to death in a vision, she would not, not feel it from the person’s perspective. But she would cry and be appalled at the seen because she knows it is going to happen and she hates things like that.

Although this is not an ability she can turn off; it is one that she can occasionally trigger for her self at 

will. Learning how to do this has proven to be quite helpful; but it is never guarantee that it will come just because she is willing it too. Whenever she receives a vision her eyes will close and she will freeze; the vision takes over her mind and stops her physical movement and if it is one she finds emotional she could collapse after it just over run with sadness or grief (there have been times when she has turned and attacked particularly nasty do-ers). There for having a premonition in the middle of a fight is not generally a useful thing for her; that is one of the worst times she could have one. Because many of them transfer by touching people; she kinda has a thing about not being touched. Though this does not save her form all visions; because if one is going to come, it will come.

Preferred Time Period & Radiation Detector Design:[]

Renaissance France & Spain.

Sexy chain diamond 316L stainless steel belly

It gives off light shocks like static electricity, slowly getting stronger with radiation.

Current Location:[]


Paris France

Isak ‘Jack’ Daniel
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Full Name:

Lord Isak ‘Jack’ Daniel


Zac by family and close friends, Jack by bar patrons.


Height: 6' 1" (1.85 m)

Hair & Eyes:

Medium Brown&Blue.

Unique Scent:

It is rare that anyone has ever smelled his scent; but for those who have, he smells like grass at the edge of a beach.


447; Born 1565 Looks 23


Half English, two sixth German, one sixth French.


Vampire, Clan Volpe and protected by Terram (fathers clan).


What ever his Faction orders are; bar owner and tender at a local tavern that the faction uses as a safe house. In the past he has been a bar tender, bouncer, professional gambler, dealer of games; bartender, buyer, seller and go between on the black market, bar tender, light fingers from time to time, bar tending.


Ealdor (The Caribbean)

General Description:[]

He is generally a sullen personality. He leans towards the pessimistic, yet oddly optimistic in his pessimistic views. He is loyal and true of heart, if you’re his friend or just a person in need; he is there to give his hand. He


shares a twin telepathy like thing with his twin sister Alasha. He is not an empath, but he can to a point feel his sister and her insanity in away no one else can. He has always known just how to speak to her to best reach her/clam her. He knows when she is in danger or calling for him; even if she is half way around the world.

In this he feels the weight of his sister’s insanity very clearly; to him her sin’s rest in part on his shoulders. His sullen pessimistic optimistic nature comes from feeling his responsibilities for her sins and his good nature comes from doing what little he can to off set her rampage of death and carnage. It is this reason why he also chooses to eat animals; his sister murders enough humans, he does not need to add to the body count in that way.

He flip flops greatly on the fact that his sister needs to be put down even for her own good and defending her saying that she cannot help what she is. She has a specific was of getting to him. Just when he has convinced him self he


feels nothing for her anymore; she can look at him with those innocent eyes and face she held for him as a child crying for his help and everything in him crumbles to just wanting to take her in his arms and fix her.

He has often been called a tormented soul. He never keeps a girlfriend for more then thirty ish years and most of them are much shorter then that as they are human. They last a few weeks or a month and they are gone. Many of these women call him a heartless bastard who wont let anyone get close to him. He does love close friends and his family. But his heart ‘broke’ with his twin braking from reality. There is a sadness and emptiness in him that nothing can ever fill (if he was a human he would be an alcoholic); and every life she takes he feels chips away at his own soul.


Distinguishing Features:

If you ever see him with his shirt off. He has a scare ranging from his left shoulder down his back and around to his


lower right side. It is not a one fluent length scare, parts of it are jagged and other parts have gaps with smooth skin. This scare was left on him by his twin in a psychotic fit. It was not left on him intentionally; she was clawing at something he could not see as he attempted to clam her.

He also has a scare on the inside of his left ankle where a werewolf’s (Malikis) claws where embedded into his leg as they hung off of a cliff when he was young from a training day miss hap.

Weapons of Choice:[]


Beretta 85f Caliber 9mm Capacity 8+1

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Home Made Revolver; Caliber 38 super. Slightly longer allows for higher grain (weight measurement) of powder capacity. He calls it his Knuckle Shot


Three silver on his left leg and three led on his right.

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Special Abilities:[]

Camouflage also called Cloaking; this is often considered more of a jester’s ability. His scent is always cloaked, unless he wants someone to smell it; so tracking him by scent is in fact impossible (he is however slow for a


vampire if being chased). The cloak or camouflage rest around him block’s his scent and for most people can pass him off as unseen. This is not the same as going invisible or being invisible; he cannot go invisible. It just makes him blend in, fade into the back ground kind of like part of the scenery, your eyes see him and pass over him as insignificant or makes you do a double take like “did I see someone?” and he fades from your thought.

The cloak around him play’s with your senses to just pass him off as nothing important or ‘just another person to


pass by’ and is not of note. This is not an ultimate ability; people can see him. People who are more highly aware or on guard will take more notice of him or even full notice of him, the more detail and on guard someone is, the harder it is to attempt to sneak by them. (Think of it like the force wrapped around a person; lesser minds or lower concentration minds were easily tricked but sharper minds who where paying attention where not). Once he is seen by aware guards or people, is seen by them.

This does not allow him to pass threw straight up security system’s, i.e electronic things. His ability cannot pass threw camera lenses, so a guard watching a screen would in fact see him. The only way this benefits him in a hand to hand fight is that they cannot smell which way he is coming from or can lose track of which side he has gone towards. This camouflage cloaking can be placed over other people, to mask their scent. The number of how many and how long it last depends on how well fed he is. This is not an ultimate or unlimited thing; it has its limits.

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If he has been seen and can manage to once again be out of the pursuers sight for even a few seconds; he can freeze in place and concentrate his camouflage around him to make himself unseen. This is not a long term use in ability. The longer he holds the cloaking camouflage so concentrated, the harder it is to hold it. He has not topped holding this for eight minutes and once he burns threw that eight, weather at once or split into a few minutes here and a few there; it is gone till he next feeds. This aspect of the camouflage can also be placed over other people. He has done two people at a time before; but with a second person he can only hold it for four minutes. The one time he pushed it to three was in training; well fed he was able to hold it for a minute and forty seconds with two of his sisters. However; it drained him from even cloaking his own scent after its use.

Preferred Time Period  & Radiation Detector Design:[]


It slowly turns to brass as the radiation rises.

Before he understood and knew his twin was murdering psychotic.

Current Location[]


The Caribbean, Cuba, Havana.

Alashasakerr Dominique Mathis
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Full Name:

Lady Alashasakerr Dominique Mathis.




5' 4" (1.63 m), 5’7-8 in heels

Hair & Eyes:

Brunet&Crimson, brighter then most.

Unique Scent:

Hers is that of evil; so its ‘scent’ varies a little depending on who smells her. Some people say it smells like death; others rotten eggs, a sewer, putrid without definition; all are right.


447; Born 1565 looks 22


Half English, two sixth German, one sixth French.


Vampire, Clan Priscus.


Personal servant to the Duke of Priscus.



General Description:[]

She is in sane.

Let me expand on this. Alashakerr, from the day she was born, has not been ‘right’. Her wailing as a child never seemed to bring her relief no matter what her parents did for her; as she grew it continued. Once she began to speak; her parents would often see her speaking when no one was close to her. Alashakerr would often ask her parents to make the voices go away; make the images leave her mind, crying fits of misery. It became abundantly

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clear that their daughter was seeing and hearing things; the question lies in if it is sight or hallucination.

From what her parents could learn from observing her while she remained at home; it was an odd mix of both, though to say which it was at the time was harder until after the fact. Like for a day she would wonder around talking about the earth caving in; people being swallowed up, hearing their screams, the tremors in the ground under her, feeling them die. Some time later news of an earth quack would reach the family. Had their daughter seen a weird perspective of it a head of time or as it happened?

Other times she would talk about hearing voices that demanded blood and wanted her to kill; that if she killed the voices would leave her alone. Often at times she would describe by anyone’s definition, monsters or demons that would come at her mind; roaring to make her freak out, scream and cry and whispering for her to kill and about death and things that where coming. She would even scream and wrench in pain as they ‘hurt’ or ‘attacked’ her; though psychical marks did not always appear.

To this day no one knows if the ‘creatures’ she sees are at all real or complete figments of her mind in hallucination. Often things they tell her she either A, brings into being with her own hands in ‘fulfillment of the sight’


(e.i ‘this town will be massacred; then she mascaras it in fulfillment.) or B, will come about on their own; not always. The mix of what is sight and what is hallucination from the time she was born has quickly melted what of a ‘sane’ mind she ever had into a pit of pure insanity.

Some times she aperies more sane and clam in thought; rational even. When she is like this; the voices and images are at a minimum. When she is more schizophrenic, talking to her self, the voices and images are at a maximum. What it boils down to is; she is insane. In clarification of a few points; she does have pleasant memories of her child hood. She is not always a screaming mess or killing something; though as she has aged it happens more often. She no longer simply kills because the voices tell her to.

Some where along the way as her own special abilities developed and she began killing her victims as her only

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means to identify with another human being threw suffering and pain. Many of her kind believe her ability is purely in her from her mental state. If she had been sane, no power might have arisen in her. But such strong bottled up emotions and suffering must find an out lit one way or another and when one is so desperate to ‘touch’ some one else and feel with them; it will find away.

She also has a thing for nice, pretty and extravagant dresses. Everything she owns is the highest of fashion and style and she can go threw dresses like nothing. Since they are the only thing she wear’s, most of them wind up getting stained with blood or completely re-dyed by it in her slaughter. On occasions she will wear designer jeans and tops; but that is only every now and then.

Distinguishing Features:[]

Evil, pure and simply, not a person or vampire can look at her and not see it etched into her very being.


She has two werewolf tattoos of script on her back; one is on the upper right shoulder blade and the other lower left waist.

Weapons of Choice:[]

What ever is closest at hand? Alahsa would grab a pencil right in front of her rather then take six steps to get a gun. She does not normally care about the weapon of choice at hand, as long as she is getting the job done; it’s about the kill.

Special Abilities:[]

There is no name for what it is she performs on others. There are three stages to her ability (this is not three abilities; just different stages of one ability). First stage, she emanates an aura within fifteen to seventeen feet of

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herself. This although a powerful level, is the weekend state of her ability. Second stage is when she has a clear line of sight to you. The third stage is contact with you; this does not have to be skin on skin though she prefers it and is the fullest force of her ability.

Alasha can cause pain, to every nerve and cell within the body. This is not a mental illusion; it does not fade instantly once she stops the flow of it. Like receiving any wound, pain and effects form it will linger. The feel of it can vary depending on how she uses her gift. At times she can make you feel like you are literately on fire from the inside out; other times is just strictly pain, sometimes the pain of freezing to death or the pain of having your flesh carved from the bone. These are just her favorite types of pain.

It does not literally cause these things to happen. But from how your body feels and reacts, they are happening. She has proven that she can do this against many adversaries at once


when being attacked by vampires and most of all wolves (the weaker first stage). Her ability, although not literally carving the flesh form your bones or literally burning or freezing it, can kill those with heart beats. Even if she is not literally doing those things, she is literally hurting you and there is only so much pain a body can waistband before it will simply die.

Since her insanity is largely connected to her emotions and even affects her smell; it can affect other things around her when she turns on stage one of her ability. The best description of it is that her energy acts as a distortion or a sort of EMP to the things it comes in contact with.

Example I. A telepathic person trying to pick up on her thoughts would find her mind like a radio station with either a little static to a lot of static; this is the distortion. If they are really week or she is extremely pissed off it can be more like an EMP going off and you get absolutely nothing.


Example II. A magician once tired to set her on fire with magic and burn her to death. Low level distortion would lesson the intensity of the flames; mid level distortion would make the flames peter out and weak; high level might make it bounce away from her. The EMP would make the fire back fired and caused him to ‘spontaneously combust’.

The end result can greatly vary on this. It is not something that is specifically within her control. It is influenced by her emotions and out poor of insanity and twist and infects the energy around her. This does not make her impossible to hurt; but it can at times make it more difficult. If she is having a screaming fit for example you might succeed in claming her with a magical spell; or it could horribly back fire on you. It is kind of a hit or miss effect.

For those who listen to her insanity, some attributes of it are not pure insanity. She is right about many things she sees and hears much of the time. The revers is also true; the voices she hears and the things she sees do not always come to be. The question becomes if she is seeing something in a form of sight or if she is having a schizophrenic fit. Some have even asked if what she sees or hears is in the spiritual plane (demons). Weather what she sees comes true or not; she is in fact crazy and quite often right the most sane person in the room.

Radiation Detector Design:[]


On her right ear.

Preferred Time Period: []

Where ever she can do themost killing.


Current Location[]


Sasha D'Winter
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Lady Sasha D’Winter. Ash


Sasha Harmoney, Sasha Mathis, Sasha Deminiqu, Sasha Harting


5' 7½" (1.71 m) 5’10 in heels

Hair & Eyes:

Medium Brunet &Crimson.

Unique Scent:

If a rainbow had a scent; that is what she smells like. She smells bright and colourful and like she shines.


420; Born 1592 Looks 29


Half English, two sixth German, one sixth French.


Vampire Volpe Clan and protected by Terram (fathers clan).


Personal servant to the Duke of Priscus.


The Templars (Asia).

General Description:[]

She is a bubbly out going ball of pure happiness and energy. She is a diva. Unlike her sister Natascha who aspired to stage acting and sang opera in operatic plays; Sasha has only ever sung the Opera as just a singer performing songs. She most defiantly had the abilities to join her sister in the acting, but it was never her passion. She loves singing concert’s and standing in the spot light as everyone listens to her voice ringing out around them. She loves


the attention and fame as a diva. Receiving letters, gifts from the population makes her ever so happy.

Contrary to many traditional divas, Sasha does read all of her fan mail and personally responds too much of it. Lavish parties by lords and ladies; dukes and duchesses, performing before kings and queens in privet concerts has been large parts of her career and most beloved parts they have been. She often misses the days when it was the standard of polite society that women did not eat large meals in public, but rather picked at their food and where not accepted to eat it large amounts. She loves social events and gatherings; but has not loved having to become bulimic or wind up getting plastered as anorexic for her dietary reasons.

Sasha loves all things fashion as much as she does music and singing, she is also known as a fashion dive. She is even more wrapped up in fashion then Natasha the now model is. Sasha lives for good high end clothing and the accessories to complement them. Good hair and make up is tantamount with clothing and accessories; it is impossible to have one and not have the other. If fashion could be her religion, many say that it would be.

Sasha is by far the vainest of all of the sisters; though she is not inconsiderate of others.Appearance to her is everything. If you are not looking your best and putting your best on, then you are not being your best. She believes that clothes do not make a person; but they can complete the person. Putting your best food forward and all is

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great; just do it with style and fashion that makes you shine. Because of this her form of caring is not always attuned with others. If you are looking for a shoulder to cry on; find someone else. Sasha will drag you out into public; dress you up, buy you all of the finest things. Take you to a spa, dinner and just lavish you with attention.

Some people call her shallow for this and say she tries to fix her life with material things. This is a miss conception. Sasha looks at material things for their beauty. The thought and love that goes into every design, every

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stitch, angle and cut. Creativity in life is everything. And there is so much creativity in clothes; jewelry, shoes, hand bag’s, accessories of all kind. To her that is pure beauty, of the mind that created it and all the ways it can be worn and how the same thing’s look different on different people and complement them in whole new ways.

The possibilities for creation are endless and the possibilities of combining things are even more indefinite then the creation of new. Sasha does not believe the item in question itself will fill the emotional hole. But rather the beauty it brings threw its design can lift your spirits and remind you of the positive things in life. That there is always something else to create, achieve and bring into being.

Distinguishing Features:[]

She is often told that her smile is unforgettable and her voice is like a song bird from heaven; she has the best voice out of the six of them.

Weapons of Choice:[]

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Heckler & Koch USP – Characteristics compensator attached Calibers: 9x19mm, Capacity: 8, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 24, 31-round box magazine Fire Mode: Semi-Automatic

Walther P99

Always carried by her: Two Walther P99 QA (quick action) pistol: she carries two at all times with a varying number clips Capacity: 16 rounds (9mm)

Weapons of Choice: Sasha takes after her mother and carries two Heckler & Koch USP and a back up of Walther P99 QA (quick action) pistol: she Carries one at all times and has one in her dressing room at all times.


Sasha normally has one silver and one led on her or in her purse; when in combat more. In combat she also hase chains she attaches to the end and sometimes attaches them to opposite ends of the same chain.

Special Abilities:[]

Out Of Body Projection. Sasha can be in two to five places at once.This is not the same as and should not be confused with cloning or teleporting. Sasha can think of a location anywhere in the world and project her self there; she ahs the mental capacity to do this up to five locations at one time. When she is projected into one place she

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can focus to move and touch things there.

For example; she can project her self onstage to do a performance, she can touché the microphone and its stand, hold it out of its stand, clap her hands and people will believe she is really there. She cannot transport things. She can show you a projection of something with her and make it hard to touch; but this does not allow the item to be passed there and kept there. It is only a projection that will fade with her.

It takes great concentration to be able to move something in a projected form. Even as a vampire she does not have the mental capacity to keep this up beyond one mental projects moving things in two places plus her real self (though she is in training for a second). Sasha uses this ability most as a forum of communication. Stationed in China, traveling back

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and forth can be dangerous. So instead she will project herself to all of those she needs to speak with.

Often times a projected self can prove to be a great help in the form of a distractions. There have been many times Sasha has used her projected self as her own decoy and alibi.

Preferred Time Period & Radiation Detector Design:[]

Body-jewelry-Dangle-Belly-Button-rings-Surgical 9111457 2 bak.

It has slight tremors and a low hum with radiation.

It kinda changes depending on the day; she seems to love almost every ear where music was big and fashion was on a high.

Current Location:[]


Hong Kong, China
